Community street theater spectacle.

“Queima do Judas” has that punk energy we love, it’s rough, it sticks and it vibrates everywhere it goes. The animations aim to capture all of that, plus the “magic feeling” of anyone could have done it by hand.
The days erupting were part of this year’s theme - the mole.

”Queima do Judas” is a 7 day long community effort in creating a horrid beast-like figure and then burning it down in the last day. It’s a massive community effort, with a strong social message.
Developed the animations played during the videos, created social media content (photography+video) and helped with any graphic design they needed.

Program or “Folha de Sala”

The theme for the program or “folha de sala” is the “ultramar” war documents of the 60s. The mole, has been arrested and is ready to be burnt down. It features the lyrics of the songs and the names of the +400 participants.

Photography + Video

Responsible for the development of content for instagram stories. Worked alongside the team to find a style of editing and framing that contrasted well with the content being posted in the feed.
There was a lot of great feedback, and people were happy with the engagement both in the feed and stories.